Macondo is an unusual settlement on the outskirts of Vienna between airport, highway and fantasy, named after a fictional village from the novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Refugees from different periods of wars up to now, and from all parts of the world, meet the first residents, who have been living here since 1956, when the former barracks were adapted for refugees from Hungary.
Arquitectos were commissioned by CABULA6 (Claudia Heu, Jeremy Xido) to produce a research project on the history of Macondo.
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Arquitectos (2003-2013; since 2014 Pretterhofer Arquitectos; Spath Arquitectos)
Arquitectos invest the same project energy in designing situations that take only 72 hours as they do in their research and construction projects. The goal is to get more for less and to generate an enchanting flair. Arquitectos look at the things of the world upside down to see them right.