The second edition of the online peer reviewed Amsterdam Museum Journal (AMJournal), guest edited by dr. Tim Verlaan, focuses on how gentrification shapes cities and their inhabitants, greatly matters to us. Neither gentrification, nor the study thereof, is new; its manifold processes and products have affected the ways people live, interact, build, and collaborate throughout our shared histories. This edition aims to present a fresh, intricate, and multi-layered exploration of this pertinent subject matter, by which we can elevate the academic discourse to new heights. By embracing and incorporating this inclusive approach, this edition of the AMJournal ensures a more comprehensive examination of the gentrification of cities.
See e.g. “Site-specific Performances and Community Activation: Participative Theatre in Florence beyond Overtourism and Gentrification” by Benedetta Bronzini, who is also part of the EU-Project SPACEX.
Freely accessible via the website of the Amsterdam Museum: DECONSTRUCTING GENTRIFICATION | Amsterdam Museum.